The Biblical Recipe for Good Health

Food for the Body and Soul

Rev. David Fruehauf

February 2003


I. Nutrition: What God says we should and should not eat for our good health.


A.      Modern Diets: Hallelujah Diet: closest to God's original menu given in Genesis 1:29.

                                                             Foods eaten in original raw state.  (Vegan)

                                 Ornish Diet:  Very low fat. Non- fat dairy, egg whites only. Some cooked.

                                 Mediterranean Diet:  closest to the Biblical guidelines after the Fall

B.      Main parts of  the three diets: whole grains are the foundation; beans and legumes,

                                                           vegetables,  seeds and nuts, fruits.  Mediterranean Diet

                                                           adds fish with scales, olive, flax and other healthy oils

                                                           and small amounts of  healthy red meat, poultry, eggs,

                                                           cheese and yogurt.  Includes small amount of wine.

                                                           Details of these diets are on the internet.

C.      Modern nutritional research shows the healthful benefits of these Biblically-based diets.


II. Nutrition for the soul: What God says about emotional and psychological health.

A.     Can I find myself in the Bible stories and parables of Jesus?

In the prescriptions and guides for everyday life? Here are lessons to clarify, to help and heal the problems and pains life can bring.  Wisdom to see us through the most difficult times. Bible stories and Bible symbols express the universal pain, longings, regrets and broken resolutions we all share.  Hidden inner parts of ourselves are revealed as we find ourselves in these Bible lessons.  God is the potter, we are the clay.


1.       Matthew 7:1-4 - Coming to terms with my own faults and my own emotional pain.

a.        Jesus is giving ethical advice and at a deeper level, healing counsel.

The faults I see in someone else are often a reflection of my own troubles.

The "log" in my eye can be projected onto another person magnifying his


1.       He directs my attention back to myself.  I may be projecting my

emotions and attitudes onto the world.  Owning my "log" is the

beginning of my own healing.

2.       I have power  to change my own inner thought life.  The Bible

promises me inner peace and joy.

                                                  3.    Projecting my inner joy onto others will bring my own healing.

                 2.   Matthew 18:7-9 - What to do when I miss the mark (sin).

a.        Temptation comes to all of us: we all make mistakes, we are all limited.

b.        Jesus uses vivid symbols: dealing with our mistakes and sins is one of our

most painful tasks.

c.        Deceit and dishonesty: our first impulse is to deny our mistakes and pretend

to ourselves and others.  A life based on habitual deceit can lead to a living

"hell" on earth as the lies compound one upon another.  Indeed, I am capable

of all kinds of mistakes and sins.

d.        Jesus gives healing wisdom: In vivid symbols, He tells us to admit to ourselves

and to others as soon as possible that we made a wrong choice. May be painful

at first, but a wave of relief and elation will follow.

                  3.   Luke 6:27-31 - The highest stage of personal growth.

a.        The world is a tough, unfair place: Is this scripture workable?

1.       Jesus shows us how to achieve personal power through personal

and spiritual growth.

2.       We are to have inner strength to see beyond the evil act to the

person who is in such pain that it seems he can only relate to

others in a harmful way.

3.       When we no longer have to prove anything to ourselves or others,

we will have the emotional strength and courage to reach out

rather than react.

4.       Our soul is renewed and made healthy as we grow into the loving

care of our Creator and Redeemer God by choosing to do acts of

kindness to those who abuse us.

                   4. Matthew 26:36-41 - Is it possible to accept unavoidable suffering and find meaning in 


a.        Periods of darkness and suffering are inevitable parts of our lives.

1.       Jesus was about to enter the darkest part of His short life on earth.

a.        His mission could not be accomplished without personal pain and sacrifice.

2.       For the first time, the disciples saw the sorrow and troubled heart of  Jesus.

a.        They had depended on Jesus as a source of strength and

       counsel.  Now, He asks them to sit, wait and watch.  Jesus

       must meet His fate alone and so must they.  He tells them

       three times to be strengthened by watching and praying.

3.       Jesus asks to avoid unnecessary pain, but shows His determination

        to do what must be done.

a.        The disciples fell asleep - retreating into unconsciousness.

b.        A failure of courage and a lost opportunity to be with Him

       making the inevitable pain meaningful.  Later, they ran


c.        After a time, the disciples did accept their mission.  Through the resurrection, their faith was restored.  In

later years, they faced personal tragedy and pain with

Christ-like calm.

4.       If we can find significance in suffering, the pain becomes worth

something for ourselves and others.

                      5. Mark 11:15-26 - Are there ways my anger could benefit others?

a.      At times,  anger is necessary and right.

1.       Anger must be used in combination with the spiritual elements of

faith and forgiveness.

a.        Faith combined with anger can "move mountains."

If I get angry and express it, will it help someone?

Is this anger a healing anger?  If it is, the anger is good


b.        Forgiveness is a necessary part of good anger.  Once our

good anger is acknowledged and then expressed in a

constructive manner, forgiveness must follow.

                                                                c.    Prayerful expression of anger (done in faith) followed by

                                                                       the commitment to forgive brings our anger under control.

1.       Anger can be the source of a wonderful energy for  changing yourself  and wrongful life situations.

                      6. Matthew 26: 26-29 - How can I deal with my fear of death?

a.     Fear of death is natural.  Near death experiences, death of loved ones and

our own advancing age increases awareness.

b.     The prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was filled with sorrow

and anxiety.  But Jesus is not overwhelmed.

c.     Jesus gave a therapeutic gift to the disciples to help them with their own

anxiety about His pending death.  The gift of communion contains a

powerful message.

d.     The way to deal with the fear of death is to celebrate life with those we love.

1.     Celebration does not deny our fears about death.  It acknowledges

them and joy is found in spite of them.

2.     There are many ways to reach out in love to those we care about…

7.       John 16:20-22 - How joy can help overcome sorrow and sadness.

a.    The metaphor of childbirth: sorrow is like the pain of child birth.

b.    Pain and sorrow are a necessary part of life (of giving life).

c.    Sorrow will disappear naturally if we let it go. The progress from sorrow

to joy is natural. Positive feelings will come in time.

1.    New joy needs space in our hearts.

d.    Overwhelming grief and sadness of today will be forgotten - pushed from

the center of memory - as new joy begins to move in.

1.    Take joy at every opportunity the Lord gives…

8.       Mark 7:20-23 - How to face my "inner demons."

a.    The Bible talks about outward temptations that come as part of life and

promises strength to endure them and assures us that victory is more

than worth the battle.  Jesus spent time in the desert confronting the

                                              temptations of evil.

b.    Nothing in the world can defile us.  The problems come from within.

1.God sees the darkness inside far more clearly than I do.  He

loves me in spite of it.

2.Evil only holds power over us if we hide it away and run from it.

3.Once I acknowledge my own "defilements" facing my faults

head-on, their power is broken.

4.The door of our soul opens to receive the forgiveness of God

that was there all along.

9.       Luke 9:46-48 - How can I stop comparing myself  to others?

a.  Conflict, unhappiness, misery result from comparisons with others.

1.The disciples were judging their personal success and worth

by seeking to be the "greatest."

a.     Finding our value by seeking superiority over others

can have devastating consequences.  It is an imaginary

contest that can't be won.  Our self-worth is not dependent on outward circumstances.

                                        b.   Jesus gives a paradoxical and surprising answer.

1.       The road to salvation and health for our soul lies in the childlike

quality of our inner being.

a.Welcoming and receiving little children as they are means bringing out the childlike qualities in ourselves.

2.       Jesus says that the least among you is the one who is great.

a.        Seeing the world like a child: full of wonder and awe;

seeing goodness and evil in others directly not by

comparing; being true to self.

3.       Giving up the "chase" frees the soul from stress and anxiety

and the fear of being outdone.

a.        The truly wonderful moments are found in loving

relationships , serving others and in seeing God's

gifts in creation.  Being the "least" allows us to feel


10.   John 8:31-32 - Seeking God's truth is a sign of a healthy, growing faith.

a.        The Psalmist, David, said to the Lord: "I believe, help thou my unbelief."

1.       Life presents continual questions and challenges to our faith.

a.        See them as an invitation to grow, to find new meaning

and a deeper understanding of our faith and of ourselves.

b.        Accepting the invitation benefits the health of our soul.

1.       Jesus was always ready to debate with the

scholars and religious experts in public,

but did not always convince them.

                                          b.   Our faith does not depend on convincing others, but depends upon our

                                                resolve to find the truth.

1.       This includes being open to criticism and challenge.

2.       When we experience doubt, it is a signal that we are about

to discover more of God's truth in His word.







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